Monday Apr 14, 2014
Welcome to Medical Humanities
In this first podcast from the journal Medical Humanities, editor Deborah Bowman introduces members of her new editorial team: editor of The Screening Room, Khalid Ali, and editor of The Reading Room, Georgia Belam. Together they discusses the vision for the journal.
It is an exciting time for Medical Humanities, and the creation of The Reading Room and The Screening Room represent the first stage in a process of developing and refreshing the journal, its blog and social media.
You can read some of the contributions we have already received for The Screening Room on the Medical Humanities blog: Watch out for more posts in the coming months. The first copy of the journal to feature The Reading Room and The Screening Room will be the December 2014 issue.
The sections in the journal will be more editorially-led and include commissioned essays from scholars, writers and producers. You'll be able to read long-form and thematic reviews, as well as analyses and empirical research. If you would like to contribute do get in touch:
For now, tune in and enjoy the podcast. Future podcasts will include a discussion of the visual arts in healthcare settings and a programme broadcast from the Association of Medical Humanities conference - The Art of Compassion:
We hope you'll want to subscribe to the podcasts so as not to miss any of them. We would also love to hear from you if you've got an idea for a subject you'd like us to cover in a future podcast. Email